Source code for tool.tb_filter

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os.path

from basic_modules.tool import Tool

from utils import logger

    if hasattr(sys, '_run_from_cmdl') is True:
        raise ImportError
    from pycompss.api.parameter import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN
    from pycompss.api.task import task
    from pycompss.api.api import compss_wait_on
except ImportError:"[Warning] Cannot import \"pycompss\" API packages.")"          Using mock decorators.")

    from utils.dummy_pycompss import FILE_IN, FILE_OUT, IN  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import task  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
    from utils.dummy_pycompss import compss_wait_on  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

from pytadbit.parsers.hic_bam_parser import bed2D_to_BAMhic  # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module
from pytadbit.mapping.filter import apply_filter, filter_reads  # pylint: disable=import-error
from pytadbit.mapping.analyze import insert_sizes  # pylint: disable=import-error

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[docs]class tbFilterTool(Tool): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Tool for filtering out experimetnal artifacts from the aligned data """ def __init__(self, configuration=None): """ Init function """"TADbit filter aligned reads") Tool.__init__(self) if configuration is None: configuration = {} self.configuration.update(configuration)
[docs] @task( reads=FILE_IN, filter_reads_file=FILE_OUT, custom_filter=IN, conservative=IN, output_de=FILE_OUT, output_d=FILE_OUT, output_e=FILE_OUT, output_ed=FILE_OUT, output_or=FILE_OUT, output_rb=FILE_OUT, output_sc=FILE_OUT, output_tc=FILE_OUT, output_tl=FILE_OUT, output_ts=FILE_OUT, returns=int) def tb_filter( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-statements,too-many-branches,no-self-use self, reads, filter_reads_file, custom_filter, min_dist_to_re, min_fragment_size, max_fragment_size, conservative, output_de, output_d, output_e, output_ed, output_or, output_rb, output_sc, output_tc, output_tl, output_ts): """ Function to filter out expoerimental artifacts Parameters ---------- reads : str Location of the reads thats that has a matching location at both ends of the paired reads filtered_reads_file : str Location of the filtered reads conservative : bool Level of filtering [DEFAULT : True] Returns ------- filtered_reads : str Location of the filtered reads """ reads_tmp = reads.replace(".tsv", '') with open(reads_tmp + "_tmp.tsv", "wb") as f_out: with open(reads, "rb") as f_in: f_out.write( masked = filter_reads( reads_tmp + "_tmp.tsv", max_molecule_length=610, min_dist_to_re=min_dist_to_re, over_represented=0.005, max_frag_size=max_fragment_size, min_frag_size=min_fragment_size, re_proximity=4) filter_reads_file_tmp = filter_reads_file.replace(".tsv", '') filters_suffixes = ['self-circle', 'dangling-end', 'error', 'extra dangling-end', 'too close from REs', 'too short', 'too large', 'over-represented', 'duplicated', 'random breaks'] if custom_filter: applied_filters = custom_filter filters_suffixes = [filters_suffixes[i-1] for i in applied_filters] else: if conservative is True: applied_filters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # Ignore filter 5 (based on docs) as not very helpful else: # Less conservative option applied_filters = [1, 2, 3, 9, 10] apply_filter(reads_tmp + "_tmp.tsv", filter_reads_file_tmp + "_tmp.tsv", masked, filters=applied_filters) with open(filter_reads_file, "wb") as f_out: with open(filter_reads_file_tmp + "_tmp.tsv", "rb") as f_in: f_out.write( for i in filters_suffixes: report_file_loc = reads_tmp + '_tmp.tsv_' + i + '.tsv' if os.path.isfile(report_file_loc) is True:"- Present {0}".format(os.path.getsize(report_file_loc))) with open(report_file_loc, "rb") as f_in: if i == 'dangling-end':"- Saving to:" + output_de) with open(output_de, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'duplicated':"- Saving to:" + output_d) with open(output_d, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'error':"- Saving to:" + output_e) with open(output_e, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'extra_dangling-end':"- Saving to:" + output_ed) with open(output_ed, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'over-represented':"- Saving to:" + output_or) with open(output_or, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'random_breaks':"- Saving to:" + output_rb) with open(output_rb, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'self-circle':"- Saving to:" + output_sc) with open(output_sc, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'too_close_from_RES':"- Saving to:" + output_tc) with open(output_tc, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'too_large':"- Saving to:" + output_tl) with open(output_tl, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( elif i == 'too_short':"- Saving to:" + output_ts) with open(output_ts, "wb") as f_out: f_out.write( return masked
[docs] def run(self, input_files, input_metadata, output_files): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements,unused-argument """ The main function to filter the reads to remove experimental artifacts Parameters ---------- input_files : list reads : str Location of the reads thats that has a matching location at both ends of the paired reads metadata : dict conservative : bool Level of filtering to apply [DEFAULT : True] Returns ------- output_files : list List of locations for the output files. output_metadata : list List of matching metadata dict objects """ reads = input_files[0] conservative = True custom_filter = None if 'custom_filter' in input_metadata: custom_filter = input_metadata['filters'] elif 'conservative' in input_metadata: conservative = input_metadata['conservative'] min_dist_to_re = 915 max_fragment_size = 100000 min_fragment_size = 100 if 'min_dist_RE' in input_metadata: min_dist_to_re = int(input_metadata['min_dist_RE']) if 'min_fragment_size' in input_metadata: min_fragment_size = int(input_metadata['min_fragment_size']) if 'max_fragment_size' in input_metadata: max_fragment_size = int(input_metadata['max_fragment_size']) root_name = reads.split("/") filtered_reads_file = "/".join(root_name[0:-1]) + '/' + \ input_metadata['expt_name'] + '_filtered_map.tsv' output_de = filtered_reads_file + '_dangling-end.tsv' output_d = filtered_reads_file + '_duplicated.tsv' output_e = filtered_reads_file + '_error.tsv' output_ed = filtered_reads_file + '_extra_dangling-end.tsv' output_or = filtered_reads_file + '_over-represented.tsv' output_rb = filtered_reads_file + '_random_breaks.tsv' output_sc = filtered_reads_file + '_self-circle.tsv' output_tc = filtered_reads_file + '_too_close_from_RES.tsv' output_tl = filtered_reads_file + '_too_large.tsv' output_ts = filtered_reads_file + '_too_short.tsv' # input and output share most metadata output_metadata = {} # handle error results = self.tb_filter( reads, filtered_reads_file, custom_filter, min_dist_to_re, min_fragment_size, max_fragment_size, conservative, output_de, output_d, output_e, output_ed, output_or, output_rb, output_sc, output_tc, output_tl, output_ts) results = compss_wait_on(results) if 'outbam' in input_metadata: outbam = input_metadata['root_dir'] + '/' + input_metadata['outbam'] bed2D_to_BAMhic(filtered_reads_file, True, 32, outbam, 'mid', results) filtered_reads_file = outbam hist_path = '' if 'histogram' in input_metadata: hist_path = "/".join(root_name[0:-1]) + '/histogram_fragment_sizes_.png' log_path = "/".join(root_name[0:-1]) + '/filter_log.txt' median, max_f, mad = insert_sizes( reads, nreads=1000000, stats=('median', 'first_decay', 'MAD'), savefig=hist_path) orig_stdout = sys.stdout f_handler = open(log_path, "w") sys.stdout = f_handler # insert size'Insert size\n')' - median insert size = {0}'.format(median))' - double median absolution of insert size = {0}'.format(mad))' - max insert size (when a gap in continuity of > 10 bp \ is found in fragment lengths) = {0}'.format(max_f)) max_mole = max_f # pseudo DEs min_dist = max_f + mad # random breaks' Using the maximum continuous fragment size' '('+str(max_mole)+' bp) to check ' 'for pseudo-dangling ends')' Using maximum continuous fragment size plus the MAD ' '('+str(min_dist)+' bp) to check for random breaks') sys.stdout = orig_stdout f_handler.close() return_files = [filtered_reads_file] if 'histogram' in input_metadata: return_files += [log_path, hist_path] return (return_files, output_metadata)
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