Source code for tool.aligner_utils

.. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
   regarding copyright ownership.

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from __future__ import print_function

import shlex
import subprocess
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import tarfile

from utils import logger
from tool.common import cd
from tool.bam_utils import bamUtils

[docs]class alignerUtils(object): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Functions for downloading and processing N-seq FastQ files. Functions provided allow for the downloading and indexing of the genome assemblies. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise the module """"Alignment Utils")
[docs] @staticmethod def replaceENAHeader(file_path, file_out): """ The ENA header has pipes in the header as part of the stable_id. This function removes the ENA stable_id and replaces it with the final section after splitting the stable ID on the pipe. """ with open(file_out, 'w') as new_file: with open(file_path) as old_file: for line in old_file: if line[0] == '>': space_line = line.split(" ") new_file.write(">" + space_line[0].split("|")[-1].replace(">", "") + "\n") else: new_file.write(line) return True
[docs] @staticmethod def gem_index_genome(genome_file, index_name=None): """ Create an index of the genome FASTA file with GEM. These are saved alongside the assembly file. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system """ if not index_name: index_name = genome_file command_line = 'gem-indexer -i ' + genome_file + ' -o ' + index_name args = shlex.split(command_line) process = subprocess.Popen(args) process.wait() return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bowtie_index_genome(genome_file): """ Create an index of the genome FASTA file with Bowtie2. These are saved alongside the assembly file. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system """ file_name = os.path.split(genome_file) bt2_1_name = genome_file + ".1.bt2" bt2_2_name = genome_file + ".2.bt2" bt2_3_name = genome_file + ".3.bt2" bt2_4_name = genome_file + ".4.bt2" rev1_bt2_name = genome_file + ".rev.1.bt2" rev2_bt2_name = genome_file + ".rev.2.bt2" with cd(file_name[0]): command_line = 'bowtie2-build ' + genome_file + ' ' + genome_file args = shlex.split(command_line) process = subprocess.Popen(args) process.wait() return (bt2_1_name, bt2_2_name, bt2_3_name, bt2_4_name, rev1_bt2_name, rev2_bt2_name)
[docs] def bowtie2_untar_index(self, genome_name, tar_file, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments bt2_1_file, bt2_2_file, bt2_3_file, bt2_4_file, bt2_rev1_file, bt2_rev2_file): """ Extracts the BWA index files from the genome index tar file. Parameters ---------- genome_file_name : str Location string of the genome fasta file tar_file : str Location of the Bowtie2 index file bt2_1_file : str Location of the amb index file bt2_2_file : str Location of the ann index file bt2_3_file : str Location of the bwt index file bt2_4_file : str Location of the pac index file bt2_rev1_file : str Location of the sa index file bt2_rev2_file : str Location of the sa index file Returns ------- bool Boolean indicating if the task was successful """ index_files = { "1.bt2": bt2_1_file, "2.bt2": bt2_2_file, "3.bt2": bt2_3_file, "4.bt2": bt2_4_file, "rev.1.bt2": bt2_rev1_file, "rev.2.bt2": bt2_rev2_file, } return self._untar_index(genome_name, tar_file, index_files)
[docs] @staticmethod def bwa_index_genome(genome_file): """ Create an index of the genome FASTA file with BWA. These are saved alongside the assembly file. If the index has already been generated then the locations of the files are returned Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system Returns ------- amb_file : str Location of the amb file ann_file : str Location of the ann file bwt_file : str Location of the bwt file pac_file : str Location of the pac file sa_file : str Location of the sa file Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from tool.aligner_utils import alignerUtils au_handle = alignerUtils() indexes = au_handle.bwa_index_genome('/<data_dir>/human_GRCh38.fa.gz') print(indexes) """ command_line = 'bwa index ' + genome_file amb_name = genome_file + '.amb' ann_name = genome_file + '.ann' bwt_name = genome_file + '.bwt' pac_name = genome_file + '.pac' sa_name = genome_file + '.sa' if os.path.isfile(bwt_name) is False: args = shlex.split(command_line) process = subprocess.Popen(args) process.wait() return (amb_name, ann_name, bwt_name, pac_name, sa_name)
[docs] def bwa_untar_index(self, genome_name, tar_file, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments amb_file, ann_file, bwt_file, pac_file, sa_file): """ Extracts the BWA index files from the genome index tar file. Parameters ---------- genome_file_name : str Location string of the genome fasta file genome_idx : str Location of the BWA index file amb_file : str Location of the amb index file ann_file : str Location of the ann index file bwt_file : str Location of the bwt index file pac_file : str Location of the pac index file sa_file : str Location of the sa index file Returns ------- bool Boolean indicating if the task was successful """ index_files = { "amb": amb_file, "ann": ann_file, "bwt": bwt_file, "pac": pac_file, "sa": sa_file } return self._untar_index(genome_name, tar_file, index_files)
@staticmethod def _untar_index(genome_name, tar_file, index_files): """ Untar the specified files for a genomic index into the specified location. Parameters ---------- genome_name : str Name of the genome for the folder within the tar file tar_file : str Location of the tarred index files index_files : dict Dictionary object of the suffix and final index file location """ try: g_dir = os.path.split(tar_file)[0] tar = tar.extractall(path=g_dir) tar.close() gidx_folder = tar_file.replace('.tar.gz', '/') + genome_name piece_size = 5120000 # 500MB for suffix in list(index_files.keys()): with open(index_files[suffix], "wb") as f_out: with open(gidx_folder + "." + suffix, "rb") as f_in: while True: piece = if not piece: break # end of file print("PIECE:", piece[0:5]) f_out.write(piece) shutil.rmtree(tar_file.replace('.tar.gz', '')) except (OSError, IOError) as error: logger.fatal("UNTAR: I/O error({0}): {1}".format(error.errno, error.strerror)) return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def bowtie2_align_reads( genome_file, bam_loc, params, reads_file_1, reads_file_2=None): """ Map the reads to the genome using BWA. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system reads_file : str Location of the reads file in the file system bam_loc : str Location of the output file """ reads = ["-U", reads_file_1] if reads_file_2 is not None: reads = [ "-1", reads_file_1, "-2", reads_file_2 ]' '.join(params)) cmd_aln = ' '.join([ 'bowtie2', '-p 4', '-x', genome_file, '-S', reads_file_1 + '.sam', ' '.join(params), ] + reads) try:"BOWTIE2 COMMAND: " + cmd_aln) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_aln, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_aln)) return False bu_handle = bamUtils() return_val = bu_handle.sam_to_bam(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc) if return_val: os.remove(reads_file_1 + '.sam') else: logger.warn("IO error with {} to {}".format(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc)) return return_val
def _bwa_aln_sai(self, genome_file, reads_file, params, single=True): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Generate the sai files required for creating the sam file. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system reads_file : str Location of the reads file in the file system params : dict Dictionary of the parameters for bwa aln single : bool True for single ended, will use 4 threads for processing False for paired end, will use 2 threads for processing """ threads = "2" if single: threads = "4" cmd_aln_sai = ' '.join([ 'bwa aln', '-t', threads, '-q', '5', ' '.join(params), '-f', reads_file + '.sai', genome_file, reads_file ]) try:"BWA ALN COMMAND: " + cmd_aln_sai) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_aln_sai, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_aln_sai))
[docs] def bwa_aln_align_reads_single(self, genome_file, reads_file, bam_loc, params): """ Map the reads to the genome using BWA. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system reads_file : str Location of the reads file in the file system bam_loc : str Location of the output file """ cmd_samse = ' '.join([ 'bwa samse', '-f', reads_file + '.sam', genome_file, reads_file + '.sai', reads_file ]) self._bwa_aln_sai(genome_file, reads_file, params, True) try:"BWA ALN COMMAND: " + cmd_samse) process = subprocess.Popen( cmd_samse, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.wait() proc_out, proc_err = process.communicate() # pylint: disable=unused-variable except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_samse)) proc_out, proc_err = process.communicate() logger.fatal("BWA ALN stderr" + proc_err) return False bu_handle = bamUtils() return_val = bu_handle.sam_to_bam(reads_file + '.sam', bam_loc) if return_val: os.remove(reads_file + '.sam') os.remove(reads_file + '.sai') else: logger.warn("IO error with {} to {}".format(reads_file + '.sam', bam_loc)) return return_val
[docs] def bwa_aln_align_reads_paired(self, genome_file, reads_file_1, reads_file_2, bam_loc, params): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Map the reads to the genome using BWA. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system reads_file : str Location of the reads file in the file system bam_loc : str Location of the output file """ cmd_samse = ' '.join([ 'bwa sampe', '-f', reads_file_1 + '.sam', genome_file, reads_file_1 + '.sai', reads_file_2 + '.sai', reads_file_1, reads_file_2 ]) try: import multiprocessing f1_proc = multiprocessing.Process( name='fastq_1', target=self._bwa_aln_sai, args=(genome_file, reads_file_1, params, False) ) f2_proc = multiprocessing.Process( name='fastq_2', target=self._bwa_aln_sai, args=(genome_file, reads_file_2, params, False) ) f1_proc.start() f2_proc.start() f1_proc.join() f2_proc.join() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"SAI ERROR: I/O error({0}): {1}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror)) return False try:"BWA ALN COMMAND: " + cmd_samse) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_samse, shell=True) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_samse)) return False bu_handle = bamUtils() return_val = bu_handle.sam_to_bam(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc) if return_val: os.remove(reads_file_1 + '.sam') os.remove(reads_file_1 + '.sai') os.remove(reads_file_2 + '.sai') else: logger.warn("IO error with {} to {}".format(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc)) return return_val
[docs] @staticmethod def bwa_mem_align_reads( genome_file, bam_loc, params, reads_file_1, reads_file_2=None): """ Map the reads to the genome using BWA. Parameters ---------- genome_file : str Location of the assembly file in the file system reads_file : str Location of the reads file in the file system bam_loc : str Location of the output file """ reads = [reads_file_1] if reads_file_2 is not None: reads.append(reads_file_2) cmd_aln = ' '.join([ 'bwa mem -t 4', ' '.join(params), genome_file ] + reads) try: with open(reads_file_1 + '.sam', "w") as f_out:"BWA MEM COMMAND: " + cmd_aln) process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_aln, shell=True, stdout=f_out) process.wait() except (OSError, IOError) as msg:"I/O error({0}): {1}\n{2}".format( msg.errno, msg.strerror, cmd_aln)) return False bu_handle = bamUtils() return_val = bu_handle.sam_to_bam(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc) if return_val: os.remove(reads_file_1 + '.sam') else: logger.warn("IO error with {} to {}".format(reads_file_1 + '.sam', bam_loc)) return return_val